Global Action Team Commitment
With the support of the Global Action Team, our district’s MISSION 1.5 commitment includes:
Personal Commitment, Leading by Example, Maintain Accountability, Monitoring Progress, Feedback and Recognition, Effective Implementation, and Funding Opportunities.
Goal Statement: In support of MISSION 1.5, commit to work with our team to achieve the membership growth targets established for our area.
- Our team will charter an additional 1 new club(s) with at least 20 charter members each.
- Our clubs will induct an additional 3 new members into existing clubs.
- Our district will increase our net gain by 6 members.
Goal Statement: To raise awareness of club service impact and attract prospective members, commit to work with our team to increase the percentage of Lion and Leo clubs reporting service.
- Our team will ensure 90% of Lion and Leo clubs in our district report service.
- Commit to ensuring our GST district coordinator promotes the importance of timely planning and reporting of service.
- 40,000 of volunteer hours by members.
- Each club will do a service project in 5 of the 8 Global causes.
- We will serve 275,000 people by June 30 2025.
Commit to work with our team to promote and facilitate training for club officers and zone chairpersons.
- Our team will ensure 100% of zone chairpersons attend zone chairperson training.
- Our district will confirm 55% of club officers (president, secretary, and treasurer) attend club officer training.
- Commit to ensuring our GLT district coordinator reports completed zone chairperson and club officer training using the Manage Training feature
in learn. - Develop and implement an Orientation program.
Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF)
- Increased knowledge of the impact of giving to Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) during member orientation.
- Commit to work with our team to support LCIF in its endeavor to achieve its fundraising goal and increase
our global impact. - Our team will ensure that individual participation in our district increases by 10% and 100% club participation in our district.
2 District wide Service projects:
- One for Hunger to be done quarterly or at each zone meeting and at Midwinter Convention.
- One for the Womens Shelter ( Humanitarian) at Midwinter Convention